Wedge Issue

2106 days ago

Photo article - are you as tight-fisted and mean as a London tourist?

 Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater, says that until last week it was happening, on average, 12 times a day. Tourists would wander past his, most excellent, Wedge Issue pizza joint on the Clerkenwell Road and just walk in asking if they could use its loos for free. Of course cleaning the bogs, providing loo paper etc means such a service is a cost for Darren with no revenue associated. So he put sign below up, with a jar with some coins in it behind....


2583 days ago

Diary of a diabetic day 4 - I think I am getting better and so is my father

Day 2 of my battle to tackle type 2 diabetes showed just exactly why there was no way I could do so without shoving my keyboard in a cupboard and changing every aspect of my life. I had to go to London to do some expert witness business for a friend. So it was all on board the 4.47 AM having done a very early morning blood test which came out at 11.7 down from 15.3 the night before. I know that post fasting measures will be lower but even so: I was told those new zappo pills would work fast!


2602 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - back at Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater's Emporium, Wedge Issue

I find myself back in London ahead of a big event tonight as I explain HERE. So I am working at the pizza place now known as Wedge Issue and run by hipster Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater. It is most excellent and I commend it to you all if you are in Clerkenwell, although I am not sure I get this hipster business at all. I'm getting old. In the main podcast I look at why the LSE Asylum just does not work. In terms of stocks I cover Independent Resources (IRG), Nyota (NYO), FastForward (FFWD),Challenger (CHAL), the joke regulation one sees on the Standard List, Regency Mines (RGM) and some coal assets some folks think will go into the joke that is "New Worthington". 
